Tag Archives: surgery recovery

Two Week Osteotomy Check Up

We had today’s date in our minds since before Bekah’s surgery. May 28th would be our first check with the doctors since the surgery and would let us know if things were headed in the right direction. We were all … Continue reading

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Rebekah – Two weeks post osteotomy

I can’t believe we are one-third through our six weeks of Bekah’s casting! Thank you all so much for prayers, meals, texts, home visits, emails, phone calls, and sweet gifts. God’s love has been blanketed over our family by the … Continue reading

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My Paper Brain – Staying Organized in the Hospital

My sister Amy gave me some really good advice a few years ago. She has battled ovarian cancer, (And won! All praise to Jesus!) all the while going to countless doctor appointments and hospital visits. When we began discovering that … Continue reading

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Bekah is headed in to see the surgeon on Tuesday, May 13th, 2014. Last summer, we began seeing an Orthopedic doctor. As they watched her hips, it became clear to them that surgery would be necessary for our girl. This … Continue reading

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