Yep, it’s happened. People warned me that if I blinked, my baby would be gone in a flash. And, sure enough, Kayla is turning five today. I have immensely enjoyed the last five years that God has given me to spend with this bright, talented, and loving little girl. She makes me feel special and I can’t get enough of those eyes. Kayla, I pray this year will be one full of fun, special memories, family gatherings, and new friends.
Happy Birthday Baby Girl!
K ind ~She has recently started exhibiting a care and compassion for others. She wants them to be included and is hurt when others experience pain or disappointment.
A rtist ~Kayla could sit and draw all day long. She is good too!
Y eah Baby! or Hall-e-YOO-YA~ is an expression you will hear quite often from her when there simply are no other words to say!
L oyal ~She is a total daddy’s girl, is her sister’s best friend, and still wants to marry her boyfriend from 2 year preschool.
A ctress ~We have very specific scripts we have to follow during some play sessions.
J umps at the chance to be a good friend
O utgoing ~she makes friends so easily
E njoys life
L earner
L oves her sister
E xuberant
W ears “band AGE s” with every little boo-boo. Right now we have rainbow, Hello Kitty, and Elmo.
H elper
E xibits a tender heart
E njoys the morning
L ip stick is her new best friend
E chos the sounds of life
R emembers well! You should hear her recite scripture!
We had a terrific time at the mall on Saturday and are still celebrating her special #5 with a party this weekend!
She’s a very pretty little girl. Happy birthday!