Rebekah, I love the way…
- the ticklish spot under your chin is the same as mine.
- we share the same brown eyes.
- you hold your breath waiting for sister to kiss your cheek.
- you like to look at where you have been. I think this is great because you are coming up to such great things and it’s always great to remember where you are coming from!
- you’d rather be with me than anyone else in the world.
- you feel completely at rest when you are asleep.
- you are motivated to improve.
- you fight so hard to survive.
- you enjoy laughing.
- you look people in the eye.
- you are so determined.
- you work toward change every single day.
- we can communicate without saying a word.
- you watch your daddy every second he is within your range.
- even strangers notice how special you are.
- having you means I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
- I have grown as a person because I know you.
- you challenge us.
- you like music.
- you like to swim in the pool.
- you can make all my frustration disappear with one bat of those beautiful lashes.
- God knew exactly how to complete our family.
- you are outgrowing your clothes.
- you are willing to try new things.
- your sister says you will be best friends forever.

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