I did not heed the warnings.
I blinked.
I was not ready for this.
This comparison took me totally by surprise.
I do have to say that I loved two year old Kayla. She was quirky and spunky. Loved her sunglasses, school teachers, and pets. She said hilarious things like “listen to me play my impajimp” and “Don’t go anywhere, I be bight back.”
But, nine year old Kayla is amazing. She’ll still hold my hand but we can have great conversations about things that matter in this world and in eternity. She has concern for people around her in a real way. She has a wide and fanciful imagination and often invites me in to enjoy it.
While I am sad that time has passed so quickly, this changing and becoming that I am a witness to is such a beautiful transformation, that I just can’t be sad about it.