Kindergarten Beginnings


I dropped Bekah off today for the first day of Kindergarten in her new classroom at Shelton. (You all know I cried, right?!?!) But just look at that picture! There is love there already between Bekah and her new teacher. I just makes my heart feel so good!

As we pulled into the school drive and sat in car line, I remembered something I used to do with Kayla in preschool car line (UGH! Kayla is starting 4th grade this year. 4th grade!). I would use that little bit of time to pray with Kayla about her morning in school. It really became a sweet time for me and as Kayla got older, she would add a short prayer too. I want to encourage you to pray with your babies. Let them hear you call out to God on their behalf. Thank the Lord for loving your child even more than you love him. Praise the Lord for people who love to work with little ones. Ask for protection over their day. Ask sweet blessings on good choices, new friends, and lunch bunch. You will not regret this investment of just a few minutes in your child’s and your very own spiritual growth.

Rebekah’s teachers are amazing–Completely confident and reassuring. I love the way the Lord directs our path. Looking back over my mothering years, I see a pattern forming. I tend to dig my heels in and buck as hard as I can with each change that comes. With His sweet comfort and continued pouring-out of goodness I am learning to trust what comes. He has always been good to us and taken care of us; and He won’t stop now. This summer we claimed Isaiah 43:2

When you go through deep waters,
I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty,
you will not drown.
When you walk through the fire of oppression,
you will not be burned up;
the flames will not consume you.

Bekah’s new school is a bit of a drive from our house. It takes a full 20 minutes to get there. I was a little nervous to be so far away for the morning hours of her first day. I would say Rebekah is fully attached to mom, but that wouldn’t tell the whole truth. I am completely attached to this girl too!

Not wanting to go to far from the school, Kayla and I hung out down at the corner Starbucks for about an hour. Before we left the house, I hollered for Kayla to pack a few books in case we stopped somewhere for coffee (Who was I kidding? I knew we were stopping.). We sipped our drinks (her a warm chocolate and me an iced coffee) and talked for a little

I had brought some books along and told her I was going to do a little reading. Kayla had brought her bags of books to the table as well. My heart swelled as she dragged out a devotion book to read. I am so grateful for the talks we get to have and the sweet times we get to spend together learning about God and talking with Him. What a privilege.


Here’s the book Kayla chose to read from today. It’s one I bought long ago when I was teaching children’s lessons at church. It’s a great book with actual Bible passages in it for the children to read. A short prayer and a verse to highlight are also shared each day. You can still find this one and so many great books for kids devotion time on

I’d love to hear what you are using for your children to dig into God’s word. Also, what are you reading now for your own growth?

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