Rebekah amazes me every day!
For about three weeks now, she has been off her bottle. We are now using the Born Free sippy cup. This is a step in the right direction for Rebekah. She has many sensory issues and muscle tone issues with her mouth and this was a big adjustment for her. But in all things, she is self motivated and keeps trying!
We also have been to the GI doctor again. We had begun stage three foods a while back and had to move back to stage two. Rebekah was having a terrible time with constipation and hard hard gas. Once we returned to her previous diet everything returned to normal. She has definitely become aware of when Chris and I are eating something. She makes the cutest sounds and mouth motions. We do feel bad not being able to share food with her like you would a typical two year old. I think her motivation to eat will help her in this newest stage we are entering.
We are going to try stage three foods again and watch the bowels. She is taking Miralax to help her body regulate. We will be watching very closely to make sure that her body is handling everything the way it should. Her GI doctor is very proud of her and was so happy to see her smiles and hear her squeals.
Rebekah also has some new equipment. Her Occupational Therapist has gotten us a loaner Rifton chair for her to sit in. It is so adorable. She tolerates it well and will sit and play for about 15 minutes on her own or 45 minutes if you are working with her. We got to take her little chair to Grandma’s house last week and show everyone what a big girl Rebekah is. She had so much fun playing with cousins and playing her piano for them!
We also have a new bath seat. This is amazing! We have been waiting for this seat for such a long time! Rebekah would get so worked up taking a bath that inevitably she would throw up every time after the bath. It would make no sense to give her a bath if she was going to throw up all over herself after it. With this new bath seat, she can sit securely and even play in the water. It is a tight squeeze to fit Kayla in with her, but we have done it! Kayla adores Rebekah and wants to be a part of everything having to do with her!
Thank you for your prayers and support! The Lord has given us an amazing family long before we knew how invaluable you would be to us. Many of our friends are as close as family and we are meeting new friends along the way that are really becoming special. I am also so thankful for those of you who don’t even know us that lift us up in prayer because of a common friend. Our God is so big and so wide that there is no escaping his power and love!